Lost in Translation

So due to some nagging (and dangerously free translations of our previous posts) by some of our American friends, we have decided to add a post in English. Also, we're not sure how long our Afrikaans speaking friends will still have electricity to read our blogs, so we are changing to retain an audience.

Firstly, if you're wondering about the strange title of our blog, have a look at http://www.news24.com and let us know if you can't figure it out.

Anyway, I'm still home alone while Elsa is gallivanting in the Kruger Park back home with her folks. Her exams have been going fairly well, apart from one hiccup with a badly printed examsheet which led to the consecutive rewriting of the properly printed exam. The 6 hour ordeal has left our dwindling confidence of the Unisa administration at an all time low. What are the chances of getting an examsheet delivered to Frenso next year?

The main news this side is that I've been lucky enough to be involved with the production of an Athol Fugard play in San Francisco (not sure what my grandfather would think of that). I've helped with the pronunciation of a few commonly used Afrikaans phrases such as "Swartgat", "Voetsek" and a few I should rather not repeat here. Anyway, it's been enlightening trying to mimic a colored accent, and I've even had to recite close to a full act over the phone in my "very delicious" English accent (tape-recorded for posterity). The protruding "r" has never been this sexy! Elsa and I can't wait to use our 2 complementary tickets to see what the end result is...

Don't forget to send us news from your corner of the world!


